Aomori is the northern end of the main island of Japan.
It's cold... and dark...
but they produce really good apples.
The landscape is covered with apple orchards.
I borrowed a bike at the tourist info,
and started off to the mountain to meet the local basketmaker.
But first of all, I had to pick some apples.
From August to November,
Hirosaki Ringo Koen (Apple Park) offers apple picking.
They have many varieties we don't see in the cities.
When I visited there, they were harvesting "Miki Life".
Only a small quantity is produced in this area.
It had intense flavor and crisp texture.
I liked it very much.
They have a cider house in the park too.
I'm not particularly fond of cider.
But this one was different.
It had a crisp fresh fruity note.
It was like an apple orchard in a cup.
I liked it very much.
Where are the baskets?
I pedaled through the orchard toward the mountain.
There they were.
Farmers were picking apples in the nemagaridake baskets.
"Oi! Why are you taking pictures?"
The farmer shouted and laughed.
"Never seen so many apples", I said.
They laughed again,
and gave me some green apples.
20 minutes later, I arrived at Mikami basketry center.
It's their shop/warehouse/studio under one roof.
"We used to have another building for warehouse.
At that time, we were selling a hundred thousands baskets every year..."
Mr. Mikami was in the studio.
They were making dish baskets to fill the order from Tokyo.
"Ah, I know this shop.
It's one of the most sophisticated and popular among the posh and mindfull people."
I muttered.
I'm not a good talker.
When I open my mouth, I can make strange remarks.
"I have something to show you"
He opened the big door to the strage area.
"We are still selling the apple baskets.
These are not sophisticated but very durable.
Plastic cannot quite replace them"
So, the baskets I saw in the orchard came from here...
I got a basket full of apples and cider on the bike ride.
The bottled cider was good.
But it didn't taste the same.
Maybe it's worth revisiting the cider house someday...
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