
Shopping basket

買い物かご (kaimono kago), shopping basket
Used before the prastic bags had been invented. 
Still prefered by some Japanese restaurant chiefs.
Goza-me pattern
Basic coiling technique to form solid surface without gaps. 
Handle is formed by coiling thick long material three times.
Kazura (ivy) is common material for handle cover. 
But only available in late automn.
Leather is used instead. 
Coiling around the rim with thin bamboo surface strips. 
Stone guard. Protecting the body from scratches when place on the floor.

Fruit basket

盛りかご (morikago), serving basket
Used to serve fruit or sweets.
Hana mutsume.
Decorative hexagonal pattern. 
Masawari atebuchi

Yamato musubi

The bottom is protected with triangle bones.
Tiny parts are called Mushi (worm), named after the appearance.