
Asa-zaru in Tessen Pattern

Asa-zaru is almost flat dish like shape basket.
Tessen is a variation of hexagonal pattern named after clematis flowers. They saw clematis in it.

(Umm..., maybe at the center. Dunno...)
In the basic hexagonal pattern, material is locked at every step. It produces star like pattern.
In the clematis pattern, however, material is never locked. It produces the triangle pattern that is dense yet loose.

So it is better tied before trimming.
The body part is then fitted into a smaller hoop.
It is difficult to to give enough pressure manually.

In manufacturing process, probably more sophisticated jigs are used.
But on my kitchen table, casseroles do the same job.

I used two casseroles as a press machine. Vertically pressed the part with my weight between two casseroles.

Finally, thick rim is attatched to keep it in a shape.