
Bamboo Shoot Gathering

One fine day in June 2016.
I was in a park waiting among other volunteers.

We were volunteering for bamboo shoots gathering.

Japanese timber bamboo is not just for timber,
the shoots and young tips are edible.

Some prefer half grown one like this at the center...
It's like you are cutting a giant asparagus,
or you became an ant wondering in an asparagus field.

A few hours later
We gathered enough bamboo shoots to share among 100 participants.

There were surprisingly many elderly citizens, and TV crews,
asking them 
the best bamboo shoot recipe.

"Chicken hide."
An obviously well off lady proudly answered.
"Stew bamboo shoots with chicken hide in teriyaki sauce.
It's delicious."

OK. This is the secret of long Japanese life.
They do outdoor volunteer work,
and eat chicken hide.
I cooked some flavored rice with bamboo shoots,
and canned the rest to save it for later.

Maybe I can save it for Bendor.


Gardening Stool

We found a rustic gardening stool in the charcoal hut,
our new basketry base in Chiba.
It's a good example of hexagonal, 
demonstrating the robustness of the structure. 
The leg consists of a single hexagonal base and two barrel hoops.
The structure cannot be more simple.
But handling thic material is not easy.
So the barrel hoops are used to keep it in shape.
The leg is done.
I'm going to finish the seat next time we visit the charcoal hut.

Dish drier

茶碗かご (chawan kago), dish drier
Kitchen utencil. Coarse basket for drying dishes.

Mutsume pattern 
Basic hexagonal pattern. 
Rim. Naturally formed by twisting back the material using a hoop.
Sashi mutsume
Inserting material to hexagonal pattern to make solid surface.
The leg is upside down Nodaguchi with open end.
Nodaguchi is a common technique fixing the rim between two thick strips. 


Going France

Display, Demonstration and Workshop
Display: 16-18, 23-25 September 2016
Workshop: 12 September 2016,
Ile de Bendor, France

"Would you like to join basketmaking experience on a French island?"
I was planning my vacation when I saw the ad.
It was a kind of AIR open call.

For previous vacations, I had visited basketmakers in Japan.
I had never imagined about going abroad.

Well... Why not?

I contacted the organizer and we have outlined the event.
I'm going to l'ile de Bendor in France for two weeks from mid September.

There are still a lot to do for preparation.
But I kind of enjoy it.

Gallery will be opened weekends.
Visit the island for leisure and chat about basketry and Japanese culture.

For more information about the island: http://bendor.com/